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Who Is Your Neighbor?

Once, Jesus was asked by a lawyer what needed to be done to inherit eternal life.

Jesus asked the lawyer what he had found in the law that would answer that question.

"Love God with all you are, and love your neighbor as yourself."

"Right! Do this and you will live!"

Except that the lawyer wasn't doing that...not even close. And he knew it.

But the lawyer wasn't a bad person. After all, he knew the Jewish law. There had to be something...some kind of loophole...

So wanting that loophole, he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"

Jesus never answered the question. Instead, He told a story—a parable—that we know as the parable of the Good Samaritan. He then ended up with the question for the lawyer: Who was the better neighbor to the poor robbery victim?

But what about it? Who is your neighbor?

The early church had neighbors. We read about them in Acts. So for the next several weeks, we're going to take a look at some of the kinds of neighbors those early believers encountered, and how they were neighborly to them.

In the process, we will discover a few things about the neighbors God is bringing to us...and how we can share Jesus' love with them!