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Heaven's Medal Stand

The gift of everlasting life that we receive from Jesus is just that: a gift. It's free.

Free to us, that is. It cost Jesus His life so that it could be free for us.

Jesus also calls us to follow Him. We call that discipleship. That is where it costs us.

Following Jesus is all about making Jesus the center of our universe. And it's not without its rewards. 2 Corinthians 5:10 says that all of us (believers in Jesus) will stand before His judgment seat to receive rewards for our deeds done here on earth.

What are some of those rewards?

In Pastor Chris' message series titled "Heaven's Medal Stand," he will share four rewards--in the form of crowns--that we might receive if we are found to be obedient.

Join us Sundays at 10:30 to find out what those rewards are!